Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A new normal

Hi everyone. We have been quite busy as we get into the middle of my school term. Classes and assignments are busy but I are managing to keep my head above water (or maybe just my nose). Anyway, I wanted to share some more pictures with you. Lily will be 1 month on Sunday, the time has flown. She seems to be doing well, and slowly figuring out how to sleep at night and not all day.Crystal, Jamie's mom, was with us for about two weeks just after the hospital, which was a huge help. Junio and Annabelle are doing well. I think they had chicken pox the past couple weeks, but now that's over and we are slowly finding a new normal.


Rachel said...

What precious pictures, and what beautiful children! Hi Jamie...This is Rachel from the BSU! Know that I think of you and that I'm praying for you!!

Erica said...

She is beautiful you guys. You have a beautiful famiy. Congratulations!

Leah said...

I love the one of all the kids sitting together. So cute! Many blessings and I am praying that you will all get some sleep!