Hi everyone...I hope you are well. This week we have been involved in orientation for our school. Next week classes start. We are excited to be here and settled and we are looking forward to starting classes though everyone tells us classes are alot of work and we will be very busy, they may be right, but we'll see. Jamie is probably only going to take 3 classes and I will take a full load of 16 or 17 credits (5 or 6 classes).
We will both be taking some linguistic courses including phonetics, sociology of language and something about vernacular media (non-print). But I will additionally be taking Greek (probably) and something else I forget at the moment.
I am excited, but I don't want to lose our family life for the sake of our schooling. I want to have a good a balance.
In other news, we are in the process of buying a car. its a 88 Toyota Corolla Station Wagon, something to get us around nothing fancy. We are buying it from a missionary who flys planes for an organization here in Nairobi. I will post pictures as soon at I take them. I think its a good setup.
Thats it for now, thanks for staying posted. see ya.
PS. more pictures. The flower I took the other day and I thought they came out pretty neat. The others are self-explanatory.
Nice pictures! Your kids are getting so big! We miss you guys and we're praying for you.
Hi Jeremy & Jamie!
Your pictures show me a challenged, but overcoming family! You are definitely growing where you are planted!
Hey Jer, can you use an African Bible commentary written by 70 African scholars??? I think I can put one in your hands if so...
We miss you, your smiles and sweet spirits, even you Junio and Annabelle, who I really have see smile at me!
May God continue to strengthen each of you in your walk with Him and as a couple as a result of the filling of His Spirit!
In His Uncomparable Name!
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