Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Why is it so difficilt for us American to desire balance in our lives?

I don't think this a value in our society. It certainly was in other societys in the past, particularly some of the greek people (well maybe not their society, but certainly in the writings of Aristotle and Plato). But it seems as so though balance is the "forgotten virtue." Well, shoot, the word Virtue and its various connotations and denotations, have largely been lost in our post-modern western world. Virtue implys something of intrinsic value, but in our PM world what has value apart from the value assigned by the individual?
I was talking to a friend the other day, and I realized that the issue really comes down to nature of truth. Is truth apart from the individual? Or maybe better put, is truth bigger than the individual. I think so. But I digress.
Balance is no longer a virtue. Why?
And to add as a side note, where did Honor go??

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