Dear Friends,
Its been several weeks since the last time we posted on our blog becuase We have had family visiting us since the 22nd of Nov. Jamie's Dad and step-mother were here two weeks and then the following day my parents came (Dec 7th). My folks left last friday. Its been a lovely time. Its been restful and fun to see our family again, but it was also quite hard to say goodbye again.
I finished last term just as Ted and Linda arrived and now I have started school again this past monday. ONly two terms to go, thats really only 24 weeks of responsibilities for schooling left (basically 10 weeks or class and 2 weeks of studying and exams per term). It is quite exciting to see the end and to be in the year in which I will graduate. And then...on we will move for more transition, this time, Lord willing we will be, at long last, in Tanzania, doing what God had called us several year ago to do, finally. We are not yet certain where in Tanzania we will be yet, we will discussing this with some of our friends and counselors in our organization in the coming weeks, and we should know hopefully soon.
We are looking forward to getting to Tz, but it is not without stress and a bit of apprehension. Jamie, as you know has been sick, quite alot this past year with Lily and then even following with mastitis and other things, so we are taking things slowly and tentatively realizing that for us to go certian places in Tanzania will require her to be stronger and healthier more consistently than she is. She is not unwell at the moment, but being that she has not had a stretch of health longer than 25 days since this time last year, we are praying and asking the Lord for health and wise councel in making our decisions.
We are now over the half way point of our first term here in East Africa. It has been marked, interestingly, by a reunion with our families for the holdays. This has been great, and it is interesting to reflect for a moment on our last 18 or 19mos here. We have seen alot, transitioned alot, learned alot... in some ways life is now fast becoming normal. I only notice this when we have company here as things are really quite abnormal, strange and potentially quite stressful for them and not for us. This is good, i mean us feeling adjusted we love living here and working here. We are in the right spot.
At any rate, we praise God for his provision, protection and love that is so visible in our lives (even as difficult as they are from time to time). I do hope you can do the same.
THis term should prove to be slightly different from the others, it seems to be more focused on Biblical studies than on translation studies. I have basically finished my lingusitics courses now and am moving, basically, to the application of my linguistics knowledge and translation theory towards the task of making God's word clear to those who don't speak the same langauge. It is an interesting and important process, translation, and one that takes a great deal of thought and seriousness. I recognize that my God given passion is nothing to take lightly and is something which apart from God's grace and my willingness to humble myself, is quite dangerous. I suppose the same fear exists in the hearts of many faithful preachers and teachers of Gods word. But my task is somewhat more basic than theirs, my responcibility is faithfulness to God by delivering his Word as untainted and unhindered by my sinfulness and incapabilities as well as clear and quite understandable to a quite distinct language and worldview from my own, so that preachers and teachers may use it. One cannot simply assume that if we take a word for word approach to translation it will somehow make sense those who wish to read it, hear it, use it. So much cultural understanding and Biblical exegesis and linguistic informedness and many other things goes into Bible translation that, In summary, I simply feel the weight of the God-given task before and look forward, eagerly, to the working of his spirit in my life, to help me accomplish His goals. Pray with me for these things and the health and provision for my family. Thanks for listening.
Pictures: the trouble with these pictures is I took so many, that the five i post here don't do justice to our time with our family or all the wonderful things we did with them. so I guess you'll just have to wait until we post more. The pictures are, in some order -
Linda and Annabelle at home
GraMitz, Annabelle, and Jer at Amboselli game park
The kids at Christmas
Sunset in Amboselli
THe top of Mt. Kenya