Dear Friends, greetings from Nairobi. I am done with school (and on my last week of a two week break before they begin again), and Jamie's family has left but we had a great time. When they were here we did a one day safari in Nairobi national Park, we went to the coast and spent 4 days on the beach and snorkeled a bit and ate alot and did a number of other fun things ( I also took 3 exams and submitted a couple papers). In the mean time Jamie has been regaining her strength and starting to feel better little by little. Thanks for your prayers, we are so grateful that God is blessing her with strength and energy and not as sick of a stomach! Indeed, Jamie also told me this morning she felt the Baby kick last night for the first time.
This week is my week to catch-up on all the loose ends which I did not have time to do during the term, and try to rest a bit. Its funny I was worried a bit about driving my car to the coast and back so I prayed "dear Lord may we get safely to the coast and back, and then anything can happen to my car, just keep us safe." SO the car did great, and on Sunday ( we got back last week) on the way to church it overheated and burned out the valve seals and a head gasket. But I got in touch with a highly recommended mechanic from the church we attend here and he picked the car up Monday and dropped it off last night (Tues) at about 4pm, not only that but it was only about 200USD for the whole thing! Anyway, I think the whole situation is ironic because God answered my prayer to the letter. anyway...Thats a quick update enjoy the pics.